Where to stay in Niseko: Grand Hirafu and Hanazono

Relish a bespoke luxury winter experience in Niseko with premium private ski/snowboard lessons, powder guiding tours, whiskey tours and more

Deciding where to stay in Niseko for a ski holiday can feel like you have been hit by an avalanche. How do you choose an accommodation when the resort is spread out and there are so many options available? Even as a local company that has been based in Niseko United for many years, we […]

How to make an origami snowflake

Make your own origami snowflake with our DIY

The winter is months away and you, your family and friends are longing for the fun and excitement of snow white ski holidays. How do you get inspired? Get creative with our DIY Origami Snowflake! Origami is often associated with Japanese culture and paper folding. It is a most fascinating art form that uses transforms […]

Niseko cafes for the best coffee

A coffee shop in Niseko

If you are like me and need a dose of caffeine before swinging into gear in the morning, then this blog is for you. I’m going to let you in on some local faves of the coffee world around town. Maybe you’re having a rest day, need a quick fix in the morning or a […]

A complete Japanese Winter Holiday

Views of Japan temples and nature

Japan, called Nihon or Nippon in Japanese, means “the sun’s origin”. Often translated as “the land of the rising sun”, this fascinating country is made up of over six thousand islands, each having its own distinct culture. With a combination of ultra-modern comforts, technology and a rich culture, heritage and history spanning thousands of years, […]

Skiing or snowboarding: which one do you choose?

Skiers and snowboarders enjoying the stunning snow in Niseko

This is THE question that divides skiers and snowboards. It is often said: “Skiing is easier to learn but harder to master – whereas snowboarding is harder to learn but easier to master.” If it’s your first time on the snow mountain, here are a few things to consider when deciding which one to pick. […]

Sapporo Snow Festival: A highlight of the snow season

Lit up sculpture at Sapporo snow festival

The Sapporo Snow Festival, called Sapporo Yuki Matsuri in Japanese, is held across three main sites over 1 week in February. It is considered one of Japan’s most popular winter events. It attracts over 2 million visitors from Japan and around the world every year. This year marks the 18th anniversary of the snow festival. […]

How to weather the alpine weather

How to pack for Hokkaido Alpine Weather Skiing & Snowboarding

Hokkaido is known for its great snow conditions but when it comes to alpine regions, no matter where in the world you are, the weather is totally unpredictable. As we approach the latter part of the season, we’ve had some great weeks of snowfall but also days where the weather has taken a turn and […]